How to Remove Wrinkles from a Diamond Painting Canvas?
12.15.2021 | Bella | Diamond Painting Blogs

I believe that you would be worried about the wrinkles when you received a painting.

Today I would share some good tips for you to remove the wrinke.

Here are a few ways with which you can remove the wrinkles and creases from a diamond painting canvas.


Things you need:

  • Tape
  • A flat surface, like a table top or marble slab
  • Heavy things like books, a heavy board or heavy ornament

How to:

  1. Take your diamond painting canvas and carefully unfurl it.
  2. Using tape, stick it to the flat surface.
  3. Make sure that the canvas has been stretched taut to ensure no wrinkles remain.
  4. Place the heavy object on top of the stretched canvas.
  5. Wait overnight.

Note: Its is the simplest of ways to remove creases and wrinkles from the canvas, however it may not be the most effective one. In case this does not occur the way you are expecting it to, please refer to the second option, given below.

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Things You Need:

  • An Iron
  • A Tea towel

How to:

  1. Lay down the diamond painting canvas on a flat surface.
  2. Using a tea towel, cover the surface of the canvas entirely.
  3. Keeping the iron on low heat, gently iron the canvas.
  4. In case you are unable to get the creases out of the canvas, it is recommended against turning up the heat. Please opt for other methods. You do not want to destroy your canvas before you even start the work.


Things You Need:

  • A small penknife
  • A Pen or pencil
  • A Ruler
  • Care and concentration

How to:

  1. Lay down the canvas on a flat surface. Make sure that the canvas is flat and not curling.
  2. Using a ruler and a pencil, draw a vertical line going from top to bottom on the canvas film. Make sure that the lines start at a one-inch break from one end of the canvas to the other. (one-inch break means that the line starts not exactly where the canvas does, rather at a one-inch gap from one end of the canvas).
  3. Taking a penknife, make a straight but slight incision from top to bottom, along the lines you drew. Please be very careful while handling the knife. Do not make deep cuts in the film as it may damage the canvas under the film.
  4. Having made the cuts on the film, you will have multiple strips of canvas film that are ready to be peeled off, instead of one whole film.
  5. Carefully peel off one of the strips but do not go all the way to the end. Replace the canvas film as soon as you can, gently and smoothly. Run a hand over the strip to ensure that the bubbles have been removed.
  6. Repeat the process for all the strips to ensure that the bubbles have been removed from the entire canvas.

Note: please ensure care while using a knife. It is advisable to use a knife that has a strong grip and a sharp blade. Please do not make deep cuts. In case you find this method a bit too daunting or not as fruitful as you would want it to be, please refer to the next method.